We recently published a paper explaining the neural correlates and the role of dopamine circuitry when solving problems with an Aha! or Eureka-moment:
Tik M, Sladky R,…, Windischberger C. Ultrahigh-field fMRI insights on insight: Neural correlates of the Aha!-moment.

International media coverage has placed this paper in the Top10 most media mentions of papers published in Human Brain Mapping.

Kurier, DerStandard, science.orf.at, Österreich, Daily Mail, The Sun, India Times (Gurugram, India), laboratoryequipment.com, dotemirates (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates), Medical Xpress, Pflege Professionell, supermed, Alpha Galileo, Österreich Journal, Kurier, Generation55Plus.net, Wissenschaft.de, Tiroler Tageszeitung, Medical News Today (MNT), Bionity (Lumitos, Berlin), Laborpraxis Vogel, DiePresse, life-science, Radio Wien, Radio Wien, BR2, B5, B5, …


Fullbright Austria

Amulya Pratapa was selected to receive a Fullbright Award to conduct research on concurrent TMS/fMRI

Happy #InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience! Fulbright Austria is proud to close this celebratory week with words of…

Gepostet von Fulbright Austria am Freitag, 15. Februar 2019

Thinkers Club Discussions

Christian Windischberger was invited by Thinkers Club 2050 to a discussion about fearful challenges during digital times.
Feelings like rage, resentment, and fear are increasingly found at the core of political discussions. Christian Windischberger explains this from a neuroscientific perspective.
You can read his thoughts on this problem here (German).
Or watch the video report on w24


Brain Connectivity in Health and Disease

Christian Windischberger was invited by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to hold a talk on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Health and Disease and his related hardware developments. Our concurrent TMS/fMRI set-up allows the combination of precisely targeted neurostimulation (TMS) with high-sensitivity neuroimaging (fMRI). This promises a tool-driven revolution of TMS, allowing practitioners to individualize treatment for each patient’s need.

Hate on the web

fMRI lab Windischberger was featured in an Austrian TV show about hate on the internet.
ORF Thema Spezial: Hass im Internet | 10.07.2017 #ORF 2

Watch the ▷ full episode here

Martin Tik & Michael Woletz received a merit award for 2017 ISMRM meeting in Hawaii for 7T fMRI researchApril 2017 – Off to Hawaii!

Great news! Michael Woletz and Martin Tik have been selected to receive a Trainee Stipend for the 2017 ISMRM Annual Meeting in Honolulu (Hawaii, USA).
Michael Woletz will present his work on the development and evaluation of a T1 phantom at 3 and 7 Tesla. Martin Tik’s presentation will be focused on the benefits of using two newly-developed MRI acquisition coils in combination with transcranial magnetic stimulation for neuronavigated concurrent TMS/fMRI experiments.



Fifth Biennial Conference on Resting State and Brain Connectivity

Following the successful previous conferences in Boston/Cambridge (Mass., USA), Magdeburg (Germany, EU), and Milwaukee (Wisc., USA), the Fifth Biennial Conference on Resting State and Brain Connectivity took place in Vienna (Austria, EU) September 21 to 23, 2016.

Christian Windischberger is chair of the local organizing committee.



Three OHBM Merit Abstract Awards. Off to Hawaii!

DSC02266Great news! Martin Tik, Lucia Navarro, and Ronald Sladky have each been selected to receive a Merit Abstract Award for the 2015 OHBM Annual Meeting in Honolulu (Hawaii, USA). After a double-blind peer-review process, only the top-rated abstracts were selected for this competitive award. Martin Tik will present his work on ultra-high field functional MR imaging of the human brain during an Aha!-moment as a poster. Lucia Navarro will give an oral presentation on the benefits of her newly-developed MRI acquisition coil in combination with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Ronald Sladky’s effective connectivity study on emotion processing in the extended amygdala network shall be also presented in one of the few oral presentation slots. Aloha!


ESMRMB Lectures on MRI: Resting state fMRI – basic concepts, methods & applications

DSC_0100We co-organized this year’s ESMRMB fMRI lecture on resting state fMRI.

After three days of inspiring presentations by Christian Beckmann, Bharat Biswal, Catie Chang, Peter Fransson, Vesa Kiviniemi, Mika Rubinov, Sepideh Sadaghiani, Lucina Uddin, Ilya Veer, Martin Walter, and Christian Windischberger we concluded our workshop with a scientific retreat in the mountains.

Photo Gallery

Social Anxiety: Even the Brains of People With Anxiety States Can Get Used to Fear

regnerischer Tag in der StadtSelected national [1] and international [2-5] media coverage of our recent PLOS ONE article on social phobia Increased Neural Habituation in the Amygdala and Orbitofrontal Cortex in Social Anxiety Disorder Revealed by fMRI.

  1. Sozialphobie: An Angst gewöhnen (derStandard.at)
  2. Even the Brains of People With Anxiety States Can Get Used to Fear (ScienceDaily)
  3. You can bust social phobia (The New Indian Express)
  4. Scientists discover functional control strategies in emotional circuits of people with social phobia (Social Anxiety Ireland)
  5. Angst: Eine Gewöhnungssache? (scinexx)


Science Slam, Vienna

SS4-31At the fourth Science Slam (Reigen, Vienna) Ronald Sladky was awarded the first prize. With his entertaining presentation on functional MRI, Ins Hirn einischaun (Lookin’ into the brain), he won the audience vote.

Vimeo Link to the video of Ronald Sladky’s Science Slam (German)